Our Testimonials

Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar
(Hon’ble Minister of State, Social justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India)
I am glad to state that for the academic section 2018-19, Shridi Sai Baba School Faridabad, got 100% result in CBSE Board examination. Most of these students scored around 90. One of the girl students scored 99% in Hindi, the other scored 94% in Maths. and yet another scored 93 % in social Science. This shows the change Dr. Gupta has brought in the children who hail from a poor segment of the society and had no hopes of getting an education.

Shri Vijay Rupani
(Hon’ble Chief Minister, Gujarat, India)
It is heart-warming to learn that the Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Society popularly known as Sai Dham has aims and objectives to uplift the poor by running various projects based on education, health, livelihood and nutrition. It is education that greatly helps the lower class of society joining the mainstream. I extend my heartiest best wishes and congratulation to Dr. Gupta for all the drives undertaken by him.

Shri Kummanam Rajasekharan
(Hon’ble Governor of Mizoram)
I am very happy to know that Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Society is doing noble work in the field of education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment in over 95 remote villages and slums across 4 states in our country. The multidimensional social aspect taken up by the organization is imperative for the development of the nation. Inducing effective education amongst the poor children will inculcate ideas in them to move ahead in a positive direction.

Prof. Kaptan Singh Solanki
(Hon’ble Governor of Haryana)
Through the temple of Shirdi Sai Baba, Dr. Gupta is creating Aastha, through education and skill development, mass marriage and healthcare, he is serving the humanity. All this is being carried out with the utmost dedication. Aastha (Faith), Seva (Service) and Samarpan (Dedication) the key factors of uplifting the poor and downtrodden are all seen here in abundance.

Shri Vipul Goel
(Hon’ble Cabinet Minister, Haryana)
Dr. Gupta is an Example of how an individual’s untiring efforts coupled with determination, dedication, honesty, possessing in-dominative courage and capacity for sustained hard work of sixteen hours a day at an old age of 84 years is improving the lives of a large number of underprivileged persons and providing them relief from the miseries of life.

Dr. Rakesh Gupta
(IAS, Addl. PS to CM of Haryana)
I am absolutely thrilled to witness the marvellous achievements being made in the social sector by Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Society. They are doing exemplary work for the benefit of the underprivileged. I wish the society, Sh. Motilal Ji and others good luck in their endeavour.

Shri Shatrujeet Kapur
(IPS, Commissioner of Police, Faridabad)
I am impressed by the amazing contribution made by Sri. Motilal Gupta, founder Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Society and its members in the field of education to the children coming from underprivileged sections of the society who are particularly vulnerable to bad influences and exploitation. This School is not only imparting education to more than 1400 poor children but also indirectly helping uplift many families. I wish them good luck.

Shri Sudarshan Agarwal
(former Governor of Uttarkhand and Sikkim)
I am deeply overwhelmed by the wide range of social service activities being undertaken by Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Society under Dr. Motilal Gupta’s leadership. One wishes there was a ‘Motilal’ in every town and village to make our world a happier and better place to live in.

Shri Sameer Pal Srow
(IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Faridabad)
Man with mission and vision i.e. Shri Motilal Ji Gupta, popularly known Sant of Sai Dham. Impressed to see the contributions of Dr. Gupta towards the society and mankind. A truly great job is being done by Sai Dham Society. Having visited and participated in the marriage ceremony of 25 couples. Wishing all the best to the newly weds and organization.

Dr. Nilima Sabharwal
(Founder and CEO, Home of Hope, Inc., USA)
I have visited several Seva places in my HOH career…. But Sai Dham is one of its kind! The founder, Dr. Motilal Gupta is the true ambassador of seva! I felt very humble in his presence. This selfless, Seva Daari has created the complete SEVA HEAVEN Kingdom in Faridabad. HOH feels blessed that it plays the initial role as an ignitor/Catalyst, but the true credit goes to Dr. Motilal Ji for moving forward and pushing the boundaries with resilience and intrepidity.

Shri Ritesh Tandon
(President, UPMA, USA)
Mr. Prakash Agarwal, our permanent member, who recently visit Shirdi Sai Baba School at Niswara Dist Mohoba in backward Bundelkhand – UP has greatly appreciated that Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Society is doing fantastic work in providing free and quality education to 600 underprivileged children at Shirdi Sai Baba School Niswara with food, clothing, study material, health care and excursions.

Ms. Kiran Chopra
(Director, Punjab Kesari Publisher, Delhi)
I am really happy to meet Mr. Gupta Ji and I am really impressed by his good work. May God bless him with more happiness in life for doing such good and noble work. All the best to him and his organization.

Prof. Alissa R King
(Kirkwood, Cedar Rapids, IOWA, USA)
Incredible experience! Thank you for helping me realize a dream to bring students from the USA to India. I hope to see you again in the near future. Sai Dham is doing great service to provide free education to poor children with food, clothing, study material and health care. Wish you good luck.
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SaiDham, Saidham Marg (Tigaon Road)
Sector 86, Faridabad, 121014 (Haryana)
Dr. Motilal Gupta (Founder Chairman)
+91 9810-397-034 motilal@saidham.in
Sandeep Gupta (Sr. Vice Chairman):
+91 9810-036-912 sandeep@saidham.in
Beenu Sharma Principal & Admin:
+91 9310-801-400 school@saidham.in
Vocational Dept Incharge:
+91 9310-901-400 vtc@saidham.in
Accounts Dept:
+91 9319-549 -381 accounts@saidham.in
Donations Dept:
+91 9310-701-400 donations@saidham.in
Principal School Niswara (UP): niswara@saidham.in