Child Labour in India
Child labour has been a major concern in the world as it has profound negative impacts on the physical and mental health of a child. A child devoid of education, and forced into labour, has no future. Every child is a gift of god. Children must be nurtured with care and affection by the family in particular and by the society in large. Unfortunately, due to the socio-economic problems of our country, large number of children are forced to work in industries, hotels and as domestic help. There are many laws and regulations that prohibit child labour, yet there is no end to this menace.
Most of the time, the children of the poor families are forced into labour as their families do not have the means to provide food or education to them. Devoid of education and proper care, such children do not acquire any skills and as they enter adulthood, they add to the unskilled labour force of the country. This also increases the pool of unemployed youth in the country.

Shirdi Sai Baba School, by providing free education and vocational training to the underprivileged children and youth aims to impart knowledge and skills that will transform their lives for the better. If the children of the under-privileged sections are provided with education, along with meals, health care and other facilities, they can be rescued from stop child labour.

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